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Massey, M.D., Claus, C., Hubbard, J., Ilyes, E., Marques, P., Ricciardi, A., Schubert, E., Storey, K., and Mandrak, N. E. 2024. The Rise of Goldfishes in North America. Fisheries. In press.
Published or in Press
17. Nanglu, K., de Carle, D., Cullen, T. M., Anderson, E. B., Arif, S., Castaneda, R., Chang, L. M., Iwama, R., Fellin, E., Manglicmot, R. C., Massey, M. D., Astudillo-Clavijo, V. 2023. The nature of science: The fundamental role of natual history in ecology, evolution, conservation, and education. 2023. Ecology and Evolution. In press.
16. Massey, M. D., & Dalziel, A. C. 2023. Parental early life environments drive transgenerational plasticity of offspring metabolism in a freshwater fish (Danio rerio). Biology Letters. 19 (10): 20230266. [Free to read here!]
15. Grigg, A. G., Lowi-Merri, T., Hutchings, J. A., Massey, M. D.*. 2023. Thermal variability induces sex-specific morphometric changes in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Fish Biology. 103 (4): 839-850. *Supervision of undergraduate student. [Free to read here!]
14. Arif, S, & Massey, M. D. 2023. Reducing bias in experimental ecology through directed acyclic graphs. Ecology and Evolution, e9947. [Read open-access here!]
13. Massey, M. D., Fredericks, M. K., Malloy, D., Arif, S., and Hutchings, J. A. Differential reproductive plasticity under thermal variability in a freshwater fish (Danio rerio). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289: 0220751. [Free to read here!]
12. Massey, M., Arif, S., Embuldeniya, S., Nanglu, K., and Bielawski, J. 2022. 10 Simple Rules for Succeeding as an Underrepresented STEM Undergraduate. PLoS Comput Biol 18(6): e1010101. [Read here!]
11. Arif, S. & Massey, M. D. 2022. Perspectives on Teaching from Early-Career Scientists: Graduate Students as Teachers. Journal of College Science Teaching. 51(4): 15-20. [Read here].
10. Arif, S., Massey, M.D., Klinard, N., Charbonneau, J., Jabre, L., Gaitor, D., Martins, A., Kirton, R., & Nanglu, K. 2021. 10 Simple Rules for Supporting Underrepresented Students. PLoS Comput Biol 17(9): e1009313. [Read here!]
9. Massey, M. D., Arif, S., Albury, C., Cluney, V. 2021. Ecology and evolutionary biology must elevate BIPOC scholars. Ecology Letters, 24: 913-919. [PDF]
8. Terebiznik, M., Moldowan, P. D., Leivesley, J. A., Massey, M. D., Lacroix, C., Connoy, J., Rollinson, R. 2020. Hatchling turtles ingest natural and artifical incubation substrates at high frequency. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 74:130. [Link]
7. Massey, M. D., & Hutchings, J. A. 2020. Thermal variability during ectotherm incubation: a review and synthesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 335(1):59-71. [Read here].
6. Taylor, E., Diele-Viegas, L. M., Gangloff, E., Hall, J., Halpern, B., Massey, M. D., Rödder, D., Rollinson, N., Spears, S., Sun, B.-J., Telemeco, R. The Thermal Ecology and Physiology of Reptiles and Amphibians: A User’s Guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 2020: 1-32. [PDF]
5. Rollinson, N., Massey, M. D., Meron, M. 2019. A low-cost, efficient, and precise technique to quantify key life cycle events in nests of oviparous reptiles. Journal of Herpetology, 53(4): 302-309. [PDF]
4. Massey, M. D., Congdon, J.D., Rollinson, N. 2019. First evidence of metabolic heating in a freshwater turtle, the snapping turtle. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 18(2): 145-152. [PDF]
3. Rouleau, C.*, Massey, M. D. *, Rollinson, N. 2019. Temperature does not affect hatch timing in snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina). In press. Journal of Herpetology. [PDF]
* Author contribution was equal
2. Massey, M. D., Holt, S., Brooks, R. J., Rollinson, N. 2019. Measurement and modelling of primary sex ratios for species with temperature-dependent sex determination. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.190215. [PDF]
1. Rollinson N., Holt S., Massey, M. D., Holt R.C., Nancekivell E.G., Brooks R.J. 2018. A new method of estimating thermal performance of embryonic development rate yields accurate prediction of embryonic age in wild reptile nests. Journal of Thermal Biology, 74: 187-194. [PDF]
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Canadian Journal of Zoology
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Integrative Zoology
Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
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